Thursday, August 6, 2009

Mommy Look, It's sucking on my nipple!

First there were baby dolls, then there were baby dolls with bottles, and now we've finally taken that extra step, baby dolls that breastfeed.

Spain has recently released Bebe Gloton, a baby doll that comes complete with a Bra halter for girls to wear with flower petal nipples so that their fake baby can pretend to suck milk out of their fake prepubescent teats.

To me this is FUCKED UP!!

I mean many people are defending the doll saying how it's completely natural to breastfeed and that girls should understand that, and i understand that point of view and also agree with breastfeeding completely.....but this is not the time for young girls to get that lesson...

Girls don't even fully understand what their boobies are for at this age, i mean we don't even teach sex ed until after they've been flastchestly feeding these babies for a good 5 years. In my opinion these dolls were created by pedophiles in disguise as titty lovers. If a doll can suck on your nipple, why not a creepy grown ass man? I just feel like this shit will confuse girls when they're this young.

Maybe i've just been watching too much Law and Order:SVU recently....

Next thing you know more pedophiles in disguise will come out of the woodwork offering "pretend" breast exams to little girls saying how it's promoting women's health and teaching girls a good lesson.


  1. fake nipples? why not a whole fake tit?

    but i suppose girls should get used to the creepy old guy that will undoubtedly be watching closely when they actually start to breastfeed.

  2. Omg. that is just weird !
