I really
Am disappointed with
Myself here. I swear I'm not a
Greasy haired nerd
Obsessing over half dressed prepubescent
Ivory skinned girls. That's really
Not me at all. So I'd like to explain myself. I'm only
Going because my good friend
Tom insists that it will be better than Christmas and my birthday and an
Orgasm combined. And that
All day you just walk around getting drunk and making fun of
Nerdy boys dressed up as
Anime characters.
Now, this combines two of my favorite things to do, spend an entire weekend
Intoxicated and be the bitch that i am and
Make fun of people. Also the
Event would be free, so it's not like i'm spending
Cash money to go to some anime freak show. The
Opportunities to laugh seem
Never ending by the way tom describes it. There is this
Virtual dating game that some guys play there where they talk to a computer like it's a girl. There is
Even a seminar on how to talk to women! So don't worry friends, I haven't turned into a
Nerd. I just want
To get drunk all day, stay
In a hotel, and make fun
Of greasy haired and perverted

I don't even watch anime.
I WANT TO GO TO! Let's dress up like Pokemon!