I skipped class today to watch Scooby-Doo. It was a good decision.
Scooby Doo has always been my absolute favorite cartoon, my first crush ever was on shaggy which i think is a pretty accurate depiction of how i would feel about guys later in life. Instead of the fashionable, attractive, and intelligent Fred, i liked the goofy dirty fool who eats dog food. Scooby Snacks must be packed full of amphetamines and cocaine; have you seen the way they get crazy perky and cracked out from "dog food"?? I really wish life could just be as nice as it is on Scooby Doo. I would love to be a member of the gang traveling across the country solving easy ass mysteries while never having to work and staying at hotels for free as long as you can help get rid of the swamp creature that's scaring away customers. Velma and Fred usually do all the work anyway, shaggy just eats and hangs out with his dog and Daphne...I actually have no clue what the fuck she does.
There are never any issues or problems with their lives either. There's no episode where Velma's uncle is in a terrible accident or where Fred gets Daphne preggers. I think i'm gonna try to convince some people to drop out of school with me, get a dog and just drive around in a van solving mysteries, taking amphetamines, and ridding the world of banshees and ghosts. Plus we'd get to have groovy background music playing all the time.