people aged 12-19 are supposed to be in the adolescent stage which is where you face identity versus role confusion. this is when you're sposed to find out who you are and what your passions are and who you want to be and shit like that. Well most of my friends and myself are nearing the end of that stage but i'm not sure if we've developed our identity yet. what happens if you don't make the deadline? will you be stuck in role confusion forever? I've never really felt like there wasn't enough time left but now i do. when i talk to people my age i feel like most of them don't know themselves anymore; they don't know what they want to be, what they like to do, or even who they are. So many don't even think they're interesting people anymore. Is this how people this age have always been? Or is it just us.
Erik Erikson is an old fart anyway...and who the fuck is nam

She was telling me how Jeff Jordan who I also know and also goes to my school was hitting on her and telling her how they should hook up since they both have famous chicago parents.
U of I is weird.

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